Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Viva Las Vegas?

One of my favorite chick rockers was booed of a Las Vegas stage this week for giving praise to Michael Moore's "F9/11".  Linda Ronstadt called Moore a "great American patriot" and "someone who is spreading the truth" during a performance at the Aladdin venue on Saturday.  The drunks in the casino and the owner flipped out.  She was escrted off the premises. 
Michael Moore's response to the inccident was something I've been waiting for him to say since I saw the film.  "Invite her back and I'll join her in singing America the Beautiful on your stage," he said.
"Then I will show Fahrenheit 9/11 free of charge to all your guests and anyone else in Las Vegas who wants to see it."  Yeah!  Go get 'em, Mikey!

Now he's pushing it!

I hope you all read the papers today.  Our fearless leader, George W. Bush, is now implying our old pals Iran might have been involved in the Sept. 11th attacks.   
Here's the quote from bbcnews:
Bush said Iran, which he branded part of an "axis of evil" along with Iraq and North Korea, was "harboring al Qaeda leadership." But Bush said the case was not closed. "We will continue to look and see if the Iranians were involved... As to direct connections with Sept. 11, we're digging into the facts to determine if there was one," he said.
 If this man wins the election...well, lets just make sure he doesn't.